Instant Access to Performance Review Phrases

We have been trying to find an affordable product that can be used to help us all with our reviews and evaluations of our employees.  We stumbled on this and downloaded it and reviewed the phrases and I think it is worth the price.   It is reasonably priced and does include high quality phrases that you can use in your self evaluation or your performance appraisals with your employees.   It’s less than 20$, instant, and in a format you can copy and paste straight into your word processor or excel.  Here is the link to the product. FYI, this was the only inexpensive item I have found so far that is quick and easy — We are still searching for meaningful products to list here that would be useful, if you know of one let us know.  We can check it out.

It covers the core competencies below (or KPI key performance indicators as they are called in this product).




Dependability and Trust

Job Knowledge and Expertise

Work Quality


Results orientation

It includes a couple more core competencies and also has a short collection of articles that will give you tips on how to give a successful appraisal or how to prepare for your review with your boss.  Either way, there aren’t many cheap solutions on the internet for this type of product so we thought we would pass it along — Again the link is here

This product will help get the juices flowing for words to use discuss successfully your job performance or your employees.   We aren’t saying  this product will serve as your end all solution — you will still have to put effort and thought into it, but it will provide some input and some thought provoking phrases to help you out.

If you like this product, please comment.  We are working on a future product that we hope to offer you in the future. We would be interested in hearing your thoughts on functionality, price, etc.  If there are other areas or topics that you would like to see that aren’t listed on this site — let us know – we’ll get those added first.

Thanks for coming!!! Check back often — we are adding content as often as we can, we could use your input to guide in that process. Tell us what you want to know!!

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