Performance Review Phrases for Judgment

We all want our employees to make good decisions and use their judgment appropriately in a business setting. Performance Review Phrases for this competency can be subjective so be careful to listen to the employee’s input and also provide example of misjudgment if possible.   Sometimes the employee might be a great worker and do great work, but their judgment is skewed or they don’t understand the impact of things in the organization over all.

Some positive performance review phrases for judgment could be:

Terry uses sound judgment when deciding the most appropriate solution for a given assignment

Terry uses appropriate research and knowledge to make appropriate decisions

Terry uses impartial judgment when faced with a problem

Terry doesn’t let his emotions cloud his business decisions

Terry is level-headed even in trying times

Terry is persuasive and asserts his own ideas with confidence

Terry uses facts to make his decisions

Terry uses appropriate judgment on tasks that need immediate resolution

Some negative performance review phrases that could be used for Judgment are:

Terry doesn’t weigh all the facts before making a decision

Terry doesn’t consistently think through problems

Terry makes inappropriate comments without determining the audience

Terry doesn’t consult management when making decisions that have impact to the department

Terry doesn’t handle confrontation well

Some development opportunities for this core competency could be:

Visit with the employee to determine why they are having trouble with judgment or decisions.  Tell them that they need to make sure they have the proper authority before making decisions for the team or group.  Also, tell them to think before they speak in situations where the conversations are heated or difficult.  Tell them ultimately their words or actions impact the group’s credibility and to think before they act or respond to a situation where they think they could damage the group’s reputation.

For more Performance Review Phrases please go back to the Core Competency Listing

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