Performance Review Phrases for Managerial Skills
Obviously Managerial skills are important in roles where the employee is managing a team. But there are also some roles where management skills are also necessary even if you don’t manage a team. Some examples of managerial skills might be leadership, decision making abilities, multitasking. If the employee has a team they manage they need to have the ability to motivate employees. Everybody has worked for someone that doesn’t motivate or inspire you to do more and be more. If you are managing people who are managing others, the first step to teaching them managerial skills, is to lead by example. If you are a great manager, it is likely some of that will rub off.
Some positive performance review phrases for Managerial Skills might be:
Terry includes everybody on the team and makes them feel like a part of the problems and solutions.
Terry appropriately delegates work to the team to ensure they are learning and growing.
Terry understands that everybody has different goals and skills and he is able to recognize those
Terry walks the walk of a leader
Terry communicates well and is up for hearing constructive feedback
Terry effectively manages time, resources and cost on all of his projects
Terry remains calm in crisis mode, and his team looks up to him for that
Terry treats the staff with respect
Some negative performance review phrases for Managerial Skills might be:
Terry over uses his authority in his management role
Terry doesn’t effectively manage his resources
Terry has difficulty delegating important tasks
Terry doesn’t contribute to the development of the staff and prefers to work alone
Managerial skills can be learned, and if taught the appropriate way and if the employee’s manager acts like they want him to act it will be easier to train someone in a managerial role. If someone is having trouble with these skills, I would make sure it is addressed quickly especially for people that have people reporting to them. If the manager is lacking these skills, likely you have some unhappy employees beneath this person, and the consequences can be bad. Stay on top of these skills and how you can help the manager become better at the core skills of management.
For more Performance Review Phrases, return to the Core Competency Listings