Performance Review Phrases for Mentoring
Mentoring can be a job competency if your job is a leadership or management position. When we hire new people to work for us we assign them a mentor to “show them the ropes”. This can show management whether a person would be a good manager/leader if they possess this skill. If this competency applies to your staff here are some key performance review phrases for their evaluation you can use.
Some positive performance review phrases for mentoring could be:
Terry mentors entry level staff members and insures they learn the processes
Terry is a great teacher and makes sure the less experienced staff members get acquainted with their new role
Terry demonstrates to less experienced staff the standards and policies that are required for their position
Some negative performance review phrases that could be used for mentoring are:
Terry doesn’t explain the processes clearly to the less experienced team members
Terry expects everyone to be as knowledgeable as he as even if they are less experienced
Terry gets frustrated when the new staff members don’t appear to be getting it
Terry has little patience for less experienced staff members
Some development opportunities for this core competency could be:
If you have other suggestions or more key performance review phrases for this core competency that might help people give performance reviews please comment to this post.
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