Performance Review Phrases for Relationship Building
In certain job roles, building relationships is just as important as the work itself. Some roles where relationships are important are Sales, Marketing, and Training. The performance review phrases for this competency can be tricky because you will need to get input probably from vendors, customers or others within a department to truly assess the relationships that are being built by the employee and the ones that they come directly in contact with.
Some positive performance review phrases for this competency could include:
Terry builds and maintains positive lasting relationships with the people he is involved with
Terry is able to build relationships with his business partners or customers
Terry works hard to build lasting and valuable relationships with members of the team
Terry maintains his existing relationships as well as builds new ones with all levels of the organization
Terry maintains relationships even in difficult situations
Some negative performance review phrases for this competency could include:
Terry has a difficult time building relationships with people he is required to interact with daily
Terry has a hard time maintaining relationships with teams within the organization
Terry ineffectively manages relationships with coworkers and business partners
Terry doesn’t handle difficult relationships well and tends to get into confrontational situations (Be sure to back this up with examples)
Some clear goals or opportunities for this competency could be to have the employee work with a peer who has relationships with customers and has a knack for keeping them. The organization doesn’t want to lose customers or lose the credibility of the department so this competency is important if you interact daily with the same people every day or are required to seek out new business partners or clients. Pairing a person with someone who excels in this area would be the best way for the employee to see this skill in action.
Immediate Resources for you:
Performance Review Software
Instant Access to downloadable performance review phrases
Amazon Books we recommend (some with ebooks available)
Performance Review Templates – immediately downloadable
If you have other suggestions or more key performance review phrases for this core competency that might help people give performance reviews please comment to this post..the more the merrier
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