Performance Review Phrases for Team Cooperation

Team Cooperation and teamwork is essential in every work environment that is setup with teams involved.    Team cooperation is defined by very simply how the individual cooperates with the individuals that he is required to work with on a daily basis.  If a team member isn’t working well with the team you need to figure out what is causing the conflict.  Getting their opinion on why they feel they aren’t getting along well or fitting in within the group is the key to correcting the problem.








Some positive performance phrases for Team Cooperation might be:

Terry is willing to participate with the team to get the job done

Terry is able to draw on the strengths of other members on the team to get the work completed

Terry treats people with respect

Terry welcomes all ideas from the group before making a decision on how it will be done

Terry actively seeks out input from others in the group

Terry gives the members of the team credit when credit is due them

Some negative performance review phrases for Team Cooperation might be:

Terry doesn’t work well with the team and refuses to seek others input or ideas

Terry prefers to work on his projects alone

Terry tends to keep valuable information required for successful implementation of the project to himself

Terry doesn’t engage with the others in team meetings

Some development opportunities for someone who is not doing well in team cooperation is to dig in and find out the root cause for why the person doesn’t want to work with the team.  Stress the importance that two heads are sometimes better than one, and find out what they believe the issue is.  Sometimes the team member is just “shy” but other times there is a reason why or an issue that you the manager can solve and get the individual back to cooperating with the team.  It’s a win-win when you figure out what the problem is and see the individual begin to make forward progress.

For more Performance Review Phrases return to the Core Competency Listings



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