How do you measure employee’s performance?

The process of measuring an employee’s performance is a much debated topic. Some say a formal performance management system should be used, while others are of the opinion that verbal interactive feedback is the right choice, whatever your performance method is for tracking and measuring performance,  I think you have to start with setting some expectations with the employees first.

Sit down with the employee to discuss the role and the responsibilities within the role.  Set what your expectations are of them prior to doing any formal measurements.

Define what roles and responsibilities you are going to rate them on in the future, what performance is going to measured.

Provide ongoing feedback to them during the year regarding what they are doing right (as it relates to the expectations that you set previously).

The employee’s performance can be measured by both of you (the employee and the manager).

Having the employee fill out a self evaluation of the the defined expectations will give you a great idea of where they think they are and how far off your opinion is of their opinion of themselves.  I would hope that you would be on the same page, but you would be surprised how often the employee either believes they are way better than the manager thinks, and vice versa.  This indicates that there probably isn’t much communication going on between the employee and the manager.

However you decide to measure employee’s performance, please formulate a plan and be sure to set the guidelines and the expectations.  Also, be willing to hear feedback from the employee regarding why they believe they are not doing well in an area.  This feedback will help you the manager decide your part in helping them achieve their goals.

For more Performance Review Phrases, return to the Core Competency Listings

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