Performance Review Phrases for Problem Solving

Whether you work as a clerk or as an executive, problem solving is part of any job.  It requires thinking on your feet and reacting to any given situation.  Some people can do this well, while others have difficulty doing this without guidance.

Some positive performance review phrases for Problem Solving might be:

Terry is able to successfully analyze a problem and find an accurate resolution

Terry clearly explains the problem and offers the users several different resolution options

Terry thinks through resolutions to problems before making a rash judgment

Terry keeps management apprised of ongoing problems or issues that are going on within the department

Terry is not afraid to respond to complex issues and provide recommendations to all levels of management


Some negative performance review phrases for Problem Solving might be:

Terry has difficulty coming up with resolution to difficult problems

Terry relies on others in heated situations

Terry loses his focus when problems arise

Terry fails to provide management with updates when problems are occurring in the department

Terry doesn’t learn from his mistakes and tends to repeat the same problems over

Problem Solving for some people comes easy for others it doesn’t.  To help employees work on their problem solving skills try role playing situations with them sometimes can help them learn how to react on their feet.    Work with them on various scenarios that could or might occur and see what their responses are and work through resolutions with them.   Also, have them try and follow these steps to work through the problem.

  1. Defining the problem.
  2. Generating alternatives.
  3. Evaluating and selecting alternatives.
  4. Implementing solutions

The next time they are faced with this problem, they will have already processed it through with you and be better prepared for the situation.
For more Performance Review Phrases, return to the Core Competency Listings

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